In 1965 the first feed truck was bought for farm delivery. Rangeland now has a 1996 Mac feed truck that can haul 16 tons of feed. A 1990 IHC feed truck is used during busy feed delivery times as a backup.

In 1978 a new feed mill, office scales and warehouse were added to the concrete elevator. The feed mill offers bagging, rolling and mixing of feed rations. It also allows us to utilize our bulk feed delivery service. In 2003 we added liquid feed tanks and liquid feed delivery to the farm. Ryan Frakes is our feed mill supervisor.
Hours of Operation & Contact Information

*Summer hours are currently being observed*

Monday - Friday: 8am to 5pm

Saturday: 8am to Noon

Closed Sunday

Phone: (785) 543-2154

Feed Division Manager - Ryan Frakes: (785) 543-4606